Friday, October 22, 2010

The main protagonists of the James Prices Point debarcle

The main protagonists in the whole debarcle that has become the fight for James Prices Point are:

On the side of taking the land:
The Western Australian government under Premier Colin Barnett.
KLC (Kimberley Land Council under Wayne Bergman)

The community of Broome
Joseph Roe (Goolabooroo Law Man and tribal elder)
Senator Bob Brown (Greens Party Federal)
John Butler Trio (musician)
Xavier Rudd (musician)
Environs Kimberley

Some of the more salient words from each
Premier Barnett "James Prices Point is an unremarkable piece of land"

Senator Bob Brown "Premier Barnett is an unremarkable premier"

Joseph Roe "I will fight this till my last breath" "With the whole community standing beside me we can win this fight but I will fight until the end"

Wayne Bergman (KLC) and a bloke named Perriman "Its a done deal this gas hub is inevitable the government has said it is so we may as well get as much as we can"

Senator Bob Brown, Martin (Environs Kimberley) Joseph Roe "This is NOT a done deal, it is NOT inevitable, it cannot and will not be allowed to happen"

Other comments from others involved:

Kree Eyre: "Whale bubs not gas hubs"

Placard at march: "Fossil Fool" with a depiction of Premier Barnett

Contrary to some comments and commentaries this gas hub IS NOT INEVITABLE it can be changed, alternatives are there. To sell out heritage, culture, history and country for a few shackels of money is a short term copout that will return far more pain and destruction of culture and heritage than anything else is utter foolishness of nieve fools.

Like the fight for the Franklin River in Tasmania, like the fight to stop Gunns from decimating forests in the southwest and over east, like the fight for Noonkenbah in the 70s... THIS FIGHT CAN AND MUST BE WON!!

In our world today pristine wilderness's are becoming scarcer with each passing day, areas of unique beauty are being raped and forever decimated by multi national companies, we the communities of the world MUST take a stand UNITED against such events.

The BP Gulf of Mexico disaster, MUST be a united world wide response IT SCREAMS FOR IT!!! The decimation of the Niger Basin in Nigeria SCREAMS FOR IT!!! The destruction of the Amazon Rainforest SCREAMS FOR IT... The Kimberley SCREAMS FOR IT!!

IT is our voice... IT is our locking arms together and united standing against further decimation and destruction of the planets unique wilderness areas.

Shane ala the wayward walkabout

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