We get what instead?... Laughter!! Indeed giggles and fits of almost maniacal hysteria!!!
Now I like to think Im a pretty nice bloke and heck today at work even though I was suffering greatly from seriously scorched nither regions I offered sympathy and words of care and even compassion to the younguns at work who were suffering mightily the after effects of a night on the booze... many of whom were suffering so badly they ended up going home early!!... totally and utterly self inflicted pain and suffering... But still I commisserated with them their pain.
BUT!!! The moment someone asked me why I was walking strangely or why I had this decided FLURO GLOW about me when I told them the cause of me agony did I get one single beam of sympathy??? NOT LIKELY!!
Id tell them of my scorched earth policy related to me fluro pink nither regions bought on the over imbibing in the suns glorious rays and what do I gets??? LAUGHTER!!!! GIGGLES and comments from one previously thought to be a kindly, gentle young woman "oooh god you have no idea what that made me think of" followed by this comment from her equally previously thought to be caring ,compassionate cohort "Burnt sausage on a bar-b-que?"... and so on ALL DAY!!! ooh its a cruel world we live in!!!
But I suffered on through my day... getting in and out of the tour bus having to warn the nice, happy, holidaying touristas that when they noticed me grimacing it wasnt for them but for the sunburn that my face scrunched up in agony. Driving and walking around showing of Broome town and keeping up a running commentary, smiling, grinning, laughing even!! when all I wanted to do was to rush home dive under a cold shower and COOL MY BUNS OFF!!!... either that of fall of a cliff into the beautiful cool azure waters of the Indian Ocean... ANYTHING TO COOL MESELF DOWN!!!!
Did anyone care? Did anyone show sympathy to their struggling workmate or tour guide mmm? who almost came to the point of simply getting out of the tour bus and walking away... okay nix that crawling away!!!... No... oh I must admit though one young lady did give me a nice nurofin tab to "ease your pain"... with a giggle!!!
But I got through the day... pain, suffering, agony and all I made it!!! Finally I managed to get some Aloe Vera cream stuff and bunged on... nearly half of it in the first go round... Can anyone say "BLISS ON A STICK"... oooh thank gawd for Aloe Vera I say!! MAJICK STUFF!!!
Hardest part of it all has been having to drink half the water in the Ord River Dam to try to get myself to sweat again!!! Dehydration is a curse up here and man I think part of the whole thing was getting pretty near dehydrated... so copious amounts of water was sloshed down me gullet until I looked very much like a humpback whale around the midsection!! BUT IT WORKED!!!
Feeling decidedly much better now... But where has mans humanity to humanity gone? where is the sympathy? the care? the compassion??? Instead of "oh you look like your in pain" I gets "hahahhahaha beatrootman!" or "God you sure your not preggers youre sure glowing like a preggers sheila" instead of some fine fettled sheila offering to assist in putting the cream on me nither regions I gets "hahahhahahahahahaha that would be hysterical to see", "betcha have fun with that" etc etc etc... the indignity of it all!!
ooohhhhh Karma is gonna be a right royal bitch!!! ;o)
Smile, laugh and find happiness in your day slash night
Shane ala the wayward walkabout
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