Sunday, September 19, 2010


For many years Ive been a bit of a prolific writer, much of my words have been lost over time. With the advent of the internet Ive managed to find a new outlet for my words and over many years most were posted at a website devoted to woodenboats, and there mainly within the area known as "the bilge" again many have been lost due mostly to upgrades to the site.

But finally Ive decided to start this "blog". It will be a microcosm of my life in words, my thoughts on life, love, the universe and particularly our world and our part in it. Sometimes it will be easy reading at others in your face, for there are times when one MUST make their point.

Martin Luther King Jnr once said "If you are not a part of the cure you are a part of the problem" I believe in those words.

I like Mr King Jnr am just one person who has but one voice, one who can write. Its my intention here on this blog to express what it is to be a person, an individual who sees, feels, and loves not only life but our planet and the people creatures plants and beauty that encompasses this wonderful world.

You may not agree with my words at times and I will always respect you for that as I would expect you to respect my words.

Our world is in turmoil, our planet is dying, our creatures are becoming extinct, the waterways, oceans, lakes, streams and rivers are becoming toxic wastelands, while our lands are being raped, gutted and made into deserts or swamps of toxic oils and radiation, our population is ballooning every year by millions and our planet is struggling to support life... our very existance is being threatened by mans only preditor... man.

Beauty is within our worlds no matter where we life there is always beauty... and through these pages of this blog I hope to share some of that beauty as we walkabout through life... but at the same time I will NOT hessitate to put forth the wrongs I see! We cannot only rely on the media to keep us informed of situations around the globe we must rely on our own individual veiws, views expressed by other bloggers who live breathe work and try to enjoy life where they are and take heed of the things that happen to them.

Personally Im a single man living in a place known as Broome in the far Kimberley of Western Australia truely one of the last wilderness areas of the world its my hope and intent to show you as much of this beautiful land as I can... before its gone.

So please sit back come back and enjoy comment and share as you choose

Live life fully and with passion, emotion and love

Shane... the wayward wanderer


  1. Hey Wayward Walkabout...good to see you. So how you been Waywarding?

  2. Now thats awesome way to go Wild Dingo.

    Look forward to a good read.

    May I link your blog??

  3. Where ever the heart may wander there shall I be on walkabout she-dingo! ;o)

    Link away Sue/Ray
    Just have to make sure I update it every day now eh!! LOL

  4. Well said,Wild Dingo!Will definitely be on Walkabout one of these days real's calling me.I am going to work on the U.S. end to make things HAPPEN!
